Les Glaisins multimodal hub (515 parking spaces) -
Annecy -
Grand Annecy -
Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie, Iliade Ingénierie, Milieu Studio, Tecta, Marco Rossi Paysage -
2025 - 2028 -
16 446 m² -
11,1 M€ - Download the project
Beyond the transformation of the Parc des Glaisins, the multimodal hub is part of a territorial project that reduces the space allocated to cars while accommodating individual bicycle transport and pub-lic transportation through the creation of a dedicated, segregated space for them. We place great emphasis on the transparency of the structure in its lower part to maintain clear views of both the built and natural horizons.
The building is anchored in the landscape and changes with the seasons and light, thanks to the significant and continuous vegetation on its facade. As the program envisions, the building could accommodate a mix of uses by adding two floors of office space on its upper levels. This mix could easily complement the architectural development of the building and highlight the at-tention given to its capacity for evolution. We have paid particular attention to the use of bio-sourced materials, including wood and low-carbon concrete, which could be developed for this project. Water management and photovoltaic electricity production are also part of the sustainable development focus that this building promotes. Thus, this project demonstrates a coherence between ur-ban concerns regarding the space for cars, the importance of public transport, bicycle use, and an architecture that is welcoming, care-fully constructed, and open to evolving uses.